Are Angel Numbers Real?

Have you ever seen a number pop up repeatedly in your life and wondered if it meant something?

Erica Smith @ COCO29
2 min readMay 13, 2022

Well, you’re not alone — people have been attributing meaning to certain numbers for centuries.

Some believe that there are angel numbers — special sequences of digits that carry messages from the divine.

But what is the evidence for this belief?

What are angel numbers?

Most people believe that angel numbers are lucky numbers that can bring good luck.

There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, but many people report feeling a sense of calm or good fortune when they see certain numbers.

Some people even say they have received guidance from their guardian angels through these numbers.

Whether you believe in the power of angel numbers or not, it can’t hurt to be open to the possibility that they may be trying to communicate with you!

Learn more about what angel numbers are and mean.

What do angel numbers mean?

If you’re seeing the same number or sequence of numbers over and over again, it might be an angel number.

Angel numbers are a way for your guardian angel to communicate with you and give you guidance.

Each number has a specific meaning, so pay attention to what the numbers mean in order to interpret the message your angel is trying to send you.

Are angel numbers real?

Some people believe that certain number sequences are messages from angels.

Angel numbers are said to be a way for your guardian angel to communicate with you and give you guidance.

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of angel numbers, but many people believe in them.

Some people say they have experienced amazing coincidences after seeing certain number patterns.

Whether or not you believe in angel numbers, it can’t hurt to pay attention to the numbers you see around you.

Who knows, maybe your guardian angel is trying to tell you something!

Do angel numbers have any scientific basis?

There is no scientific basis for the belief that angel numbers are real.

However, there are many people who believe in the power of angel numbers and say that they have experienced positive results after using them.

Whether or not you believe in the power of angel numbers, it is fun to look for them in everyday life and see if they have any meaning for you.


Whether you believe in angel numbers or not, there’s no denying that they can be a source of comfort and guidance.

For me, seeing 11:11 has always been a sign that my angels are with me and everything is going to be okay.

If you’re struggling with making sense of your own life, I encourage you to give angel numbers a try — who knows, they might just help you too.



Erica Smith @ COCO29

Writes about topics relating to love, relationships, and spirituality