Twin Flame vs Soulmate — What Are The Differences & Similarities?

Erica Smith @ COCO29
7 min readApr 26, 2022


We all envision finding “the one,” and every romantic movie portrays that our soulmate is the one person we spend the rest of eternity with.

However, this isn’t always true. You can have multiple soulmates but only one twin flame.

However, this isn’t always true. You can have multiple soulmates but only one twin flame.

Here I’ve thoroughly discussed the similarities and differences between a twin flame and soulmate in the following.

You can use this to affirm whether that special someone is your soulmate or your twin flame.

What is a Twin Flame?

A twin flame relationship is described as the division of a single flame that was placed into two different souls.

These “twins” are said to be mirror images of one another and share many similarities throughout their lives.

This type of connection is not always romantic but instead encourages both individuals to go through life lessons to become the best versions of themselves.

Twin flames have been around since the beginning of time but have been often referred to as soul mates, which is really just a small piece of what they are capable of.

What is a Soulmate?

You’ve probably heard of the term “soulmate” before, which most people refer to when talking about that one particular person we just click with.

A soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity.

There can be more than one soulmate, and soulmates don’t necessarily have to be romantic partners. They can even be family members or best friends.

Soulmates are similar to twin flames, but they typically represent something more based on friendship or a karmic nature than a spiritual partnership.

True soulmate relationships can form quickly because there is already a base level of understanding between these two people and their paths are already somewhat aligned.

You will feel like you have known this person for your entire life, even if you haven’t met them yet.

Similarities Between Twin Flames and Soulmates

1. You learn a lot about yourself

Whether you’re interacting with your twin flame or a soulmate, you will learn something about yourself by doing so.

Regardless of how deeply the person involved knows you, they are bound to teach you more about yourself.

If that person is your twin flame, then it’s likely that some of these lessons will be difficult for you — you should have to face some brutal truths about yourself.

However, if that person is only a soulmate and not your twin flame (and therefore isn’t as fated in their relationship with you), then these lessons will be less challenging to learn and accept.

Regardless of whether your “special someone” is your soulmate or your twin flame, this experience will likely involve learning how to be honest with yourself and others — about who you are, what you want, what things mean, what makes sense, and so on.

There will also be lessons involved in learning how to accept yourself for who you are and who others perceive that self to be.

2. You won’t meet your twin flame or soulmate until you’re ready

In most cases, you’ll only meet your twin flame or soulmate when you’re ready to face them. Believe it or not, that’s a good thing.

A relationship with a twin flame or soulmate is essentially a mirror of yourself.

You can’t expect to get the answers you seek from the relationship — you have to go within and solve those problems on your own.

The relationship will simply serve as an opportunity for you to work on what needs attention in your life and figure out how to heal properly.

In order for that mirror to be effective, however, you need to be ready and willing to see yourself honestly — not just in terms of strengths but also weaknesses.

You must also be ready and willing to learn and grow from these experiences rather than running away from them or denying they exist entirely.

If this seems like a lot of work, that’s because it is. But if you’re truly prepared for this type of love, the journey will be worth it.

3. There’s a strong bond and connection

When you meet your twin flame or soulmate, you’ll be able to sense that you share a deep connection.

It can feel like you’ve known each other since forever, even though it’s the first time that you set eyes on each other.

There will be many similarities in energy levels and thoughts and even physical appearances between twin flames and soulmates.

They have a strong mental connection and have similar likes and dislikes, but their differences also add spice to the relationship.

There is also a strong emotional bond as well as a physical attraction between them.

4. It’s hard to stay away from each other

You just know — you can’t explain it, but you have the sense that somehow, somewhere, a long time ago, you and your twin flame experienced life together.

You feel like you’ve known each other forever. They make you want to be the best version of yourself. When soulmates meet each other, they recognize themselves in one another.

They see all of themselves: their flaws as well as their strengths. This gives them a feeling of being truly understood and accepted at face value without question or judgment.

You can’t imagine not having this person in your life. For soulmates and twin flames alike, when they first meet, there is an immediate connection.

Something deep within them recognizes they were meant to cross paths and experience life together.

5. A twin flame and soulmate can be romantic

The key thing to remember about all of this is that soulmates and twin flames can be romantic, platonic, or somewhere in between.

There’s no rule stating that your soulmate or twin flame must or must not be your life partner.

Similarly, there’s no rule stating that you can’t have multiple life partners (platonic and romantic) with whom you share a deep connection.

These relationships are unique and special, but they aren’t all created equal. They differ in how they serve us and facilitate our growth at different stages of our lives and spiritual journeys.

Differences Between Twin Flames and Soulmates

1. Twin flame relationships are intense

Twin flame relationships, also called twin soul relationships, are third-dimensional relationships and are often about learning to love yourself.

They’re considered a higher level of relationship than soulmates because they’re devoted to spiritual growth and helping you become the best version of yourself.

Relationships between twin flames are intense. They’re two halves of the same soul that come together in this lifetime to push each other’s buttons and help each other better themselves.

Since these relationships are so intense, they can sometimes be difficult to navigate and maintain.

However, if you can handle them, they help people grow more quickly than a relationship with a soulmate would because they force you out of your comfort zone.

2. You can only have one twin flame

You’re going to meet lots of people and many different romantic relationships that we might call soulmate relationships.

However, you’ll only ever meet one person who’s your twin flame.

The twin flame relationship is more about a sort of spiritual completion, about coming home to yourself in some way through another person.

Whereas, soulmates are often about mutual support in life or shared interests or a shared mission.

3. Twin flames bring out your baggage

Unresolved issues, or “baggage,” you didn’t know you had can come to the surface when you’re in a twin flame relationship.

These relationships are often intense and can be painful because old wounds get reopened as they help you heal and grow.

Twin flame relationships tend to be short-lived because they are meant to teach us something that we couldn’t learn any other way.

They bring out our inner demons so we can face them, heal ourselves, and become whole again.

4. Soulmate relationships are calmer

A soulmate relationship is oftentimes calmer and easier to manage than a twin flame relationship.

Where a twin flame relationship can be very intense, volatile, and messy, a soulmate relationship tends to progress more smoothly.

It’s also worth noting that soulmates are not inherently romantic partners. You can have many different kinds of soulmate relationships in your life, including friends and family members.

Soulmates come into your life to help you grow as a person. While they could provide you with some comfort, the primary goal of their connection is to help you evolve along your journey.

For example, if you’re someone who struggles with self-confidence or self-love issues, one of your soulmates could come into your life in order to help you learn how to heal these wounds so that you can live authentically and enjoyably in the long term.

Twin Flame vs Soulmate FAQ


To summarize the twin flame vs soulmate difference, the main distinction between the two is that while soulmates make life easier, twin flames make it more challenging.

While you know that soulmates will be there for you no matter what, twin flames are supposed to push your buttons and challenge your preconceived notions about yourself and about life.


Originally published at on April 26, 2022.



Erica Smith @ COCO29
Erica Smith @ COCO29

Written by Erica Smith @ COCO29


Writes about topics relating to love, relationships, and spirituality

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